The Flood 100WC Week 25

Ouch! Sticks poked into me as I was clambered up the tree, trying to escape the flood.

I looked down and saw a cow looking back up the tree at me, its volcanic eyes stared at me and it seemed to shout ‘but how did he get up there?’

The cow tried to get up the tree, but instead it knocked itself out and went flying down stream. I got my fishing rod and tried to fish for the cow but instead caught a massive barra. So I cooked it in the tree and built a cubby for a house.

Finally the flood was over and climbed down to see the damage.


giant tea cup

Once there was a humongous tea cup falling from the sky. Maybe  a giant slipped and dropped it, or maybe  it is a space ship that fell. Though that is a weird spaceship but if it is I am driving it.

I went in and looked at the roof and saw a alien octopus thing I SCREEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAMED as loud as I could and ran up and got the shot gun.

And ran back down there but it was gone so I shot were it was and then it fell and blue glowing stuff came oozing out.

So I went and got the buggy and  took it away out to the forest and will never talk of this again.


why I should be in charge

Hello world I will be talking about why I should be in charge.

I would give people whatever they want even Mr sky I would give Mr sky and the whole class I would give them money.

I would rule the world and destroy Donald Trump  I would send him up to space in a rocket and blow it up.

And destroy the world and get every single bit of money and chocolate and ice-cream and lollies.

I would be so happy I would get a machine gun and a Lamborghini and a man chine and a track Ute and every cool trailer.